It all begins with an idea.
Sequoia Children’s Center will utilize The Curiosity Approach® method in their childcare. The Curiosity Approach was formed in the UK and co-founded by early childhood specialists Stephanie Bennett and Lyndsey Hellyn. This method of early childhood learning has been making waves around the world for its revolutionary approach in education. Each caregiver at the Sequoia Children’s Center will be trained through the accreditation program of The Curiosity Approach.
The Curiosity Approach draws inspiration from a rich tapestry of educational philosophies and have carefully woven together the key ingredients:
Waldorf education, recognizes the importance of fostering imagination and creativity in children through natural materials, imaginative play, and a harmonious learning environment. We understand the importance of a mindful rhythms to the day and an holistic approach to learning.
From Montessori, we draw upon the principles of child-led learning, the “whole child” hands-on exploration, and learning through everyday skills, experiences that promote independence and self-discovery.
Reggio Emilia has inspired our emphasis on the environment as the third teacher, valuing the child as a capable and curious learner, and celebrating the 100 languages of the child.
Emmi Pikler influences us to focus on respectful caregiving and supporting children's natural development through freedom of movement and uninterrupted play informs their approach to nurturing children's physical and emotional well-being.
The Founders of The Curiosity Approach have looked to blend, mix, and combine these beautiful ingredients with synergy and a mindful approach and are proud to have created a unique and enriching educational experience that honors each child's individuality, curiosity, and innate desire to learn and explore the world around them.
Our mission at Sequoia Children’s Center is to grow the inquisitive mind and to foster the natural development of a child’s curiosity. Implementing the Curiosity Approach’s accreditation program for early childhood education will be a monumental asset in the Magic Valley.